Harry Potter - Golden Snitch

Sunday, September 19, 2021

AMMIH Chapter 19.4 -- Missing

     Early the next morning, Qiao Yin went to work at the law firm as usual. As soon as she drove the car out of the underground parking lot, she was stopped by the security guard on duty: "Hey, Miss Qiao!" He trotted over with a handful of roses in his hand. He came to the car window and gave her the flowers. "This was left for you by a gentleman yesterday morning. He waited for a few hours downstairs. Then suddenly there was an emergency and left and asked me to give you the flowers. "

    "Gentleman?" Qiao Yin was stunned, then she smiled and thanked him, "Ah, thank you. Did he say his name?"

    The security guard shook his head, "No, he was walking in a hurry."

    "Oh, it's okay, thank you." She smiled and put the flower in the passenger seat.

    After arriving at the parking lot near the law firm, Qiao Yin hugged the handful of roses on her lap and looked carefully, hoping to find something like a card, but accidentally found an envelope. She thought it was written by the flower giver, so she took it apart and saw that the beautiful and unfamiliar lower-case handwriting came into view:

    "Xiao Zhe, I'm back. The person sending the letter is my colleague. If you have time, come and find me with him."

    The letter was not signed, and the title at the beginning reminded her of Zhou Chengze.

    Is this a letter to Zhou Chengze? Could it be that Zhou Chengze sent the flowers and he accidentally put the letter in it?

    But the letter was hidden very carefully, it did not seem like it was accidentally put in. The more Qiao Yin thought about it, the more restless she became, and she felt that something was wrong. She took out her mobile phone to call Zhou Chengze, but the line was always busy. Seeing that work time was approaching, she had to enter the law firm first, she tried to contact Zhou Chengze whenever she had a break.

    What made her more anxious was that Zhou Chengze did not answer her phone call all day.

    Two days later, the Municipal Public Security Bureau received a report confirming that Zhou Chengze was missing.

    When Qiao Yin came to the interrogation room of the police station, her face was a little pale. Xiao Yang gave her a glass of hot water and began to inquire according to the procedure. The last place Zhou Chengze was seen before his disappearance was downstairs at her apartment building. After that, no one saw him or heard from him again. He was absent from work for two days for no reason, and the Academy of Sciences reported him missing. Xiao Yang and others would not be allowed to investigate ordinary disappearance cases, but Zhou Chengze was participating in an important project of the Academy of Sciences, so the order given from above was that he must be found within a week. If alive they want to see the person, if dead they want to see the corpse.

    "I remember one thing." Qiao Yin held the glass and tried to keep herself as calm as possible. "His brother Zhou Kaiming suddenly disappeared when he was in his junior year, and there has been no news since. When I met Zhou Kaiming, he called Zhou Chengze 'Xiao Zhe' twice before."

    "The handwriting should be Zhou Kaiming's." Yan Cong on the side nodded and concluded, "Otherwise, an adult with the ability to make decisions will not easily follow a stranger."

    Xiao Yang decided to ask someone to go confirm this: "Go find something to match for handwriting identification."

    Zhou Chengze's hometown is in the Northeast, thus there was a lot of trouble in obtaining evidence. Qiao Yin met his mother once during their four years of college, and she couldn't help closing her eyes when she thought of the old lady who was staggering, and took a deep breath. "There is only one old lady in his house." Qiao Yin sighed silently with fingers holding the glass cupped slightly, "She first lost her husband, and then her elder son. She can't lose the younger son as well."

    She blamed herself for this incident. Yan Cong was about to speak to comfort her, but Xiao Yang's lukewarm voice interrupted him: "If you want to lament, wait until we confirm your suspicions first." He put down the pen in his hand and looked up at her without much expression. The raised pair of phoenix eyes raised were calm, "You are a lawyer, you know when to do something to your advantage. For now, cooperate with us in the case, don't be distracted."

    To outsiders, they were some harsh words, but Qiao Yin gradually settled down after hearing them.

    She stared at him for a few seconds, finally calmed her emotions, nodded, her eyes regained her clarity: "Okay."

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